Hormone Blood Test

Hormone testing is performed to evaluate the hormone function for both men and women. Different types of hormone tests include estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, adrenal stress hormones and more.


Your entire endocrine system is composed of glands and hormones. It is one of two systems that help coordinate all the functions of your body.


This managerial role, of maintaining hormone levels over time and in various situations, is important for both your survival and well-being. Hormone testing has shown that hormone levels decrease with age and that hormone replacement therapies may be helpful in maintaining youthful vigour.


The other critical system that regulates the functions of your body is the nervous system. Both the endocrine and nervous system work closely together to control a number of important functions:

  • Your body’s growth and development
  • Your metabolism
  • Sex drive and function
  • Reproduction processes
  • Your mood and sleeping patterns


When you have a hormonal imbalance, you have too much or too little of a certain hormone. Even tiny changes can have serious effects throughout your whole body.


Think of hormones like a cake recipe. Too much or too little of any one ingredient affects the final product. While some hormone levels fluctuate throughout your lifetime and may just be the result of natural aging, other changes occur when your endocrine glands get the recipe wrong.


A blood test is one of the most common ways to test hormone levels. This test can detect testosterone, estrogen, cortisol, and thyroid levels. You should order a test that’s specific to your gender, as a women’s hormone test will look for different levels of sex hormones than a men’s test.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the common symptoms of a Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormonal imbalances can cause many different symptoms. Some common issues to look out for include:

  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Change in the frequency of bowel movements
  • Sensitivity to heat and cold
  • Increased or decreased heart rate
  • Muscle weakness, tenderness, stiffness, or pain
  • Pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints
  • Dry skin or skin rashes
  • Thinning hair
  • Depression, anxiety, or irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Unexplained sweating
  • Changes in appetite or thirst
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Headaches
  • A bulge in the neck
  • Puffy face

Is there any natural ways to support healthy hormones?

In general, people who have the following criteria are at higher risks of developing hormonal imbalances:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Smoking
  • Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol
  • Being exposed to pesticides and toxins
  • Experiencing high stress levels
  • Not sleeping enough.

Many of these risk factors are easily controlled when you’re mindful of your diet, exercise routine, and daily habits. If you quit smoking, moderate your drinking, or avoid exposure to pesticides, you can help reduce your risk factor for hormonal imbalances and naturally keep them moderated.

I Am Currently Pregnant (Or, Planning To Get Pregnant Soon) – Can I Still Test?

If you are pregnant now, your hormones will be reflective of pregnancy levels so we suggest waiting until you’ve had your baby, stopped breastfeeding, and periods have resumed until testing.

How Long Does It Take To Naturally Balance My Hormones?

It definitely varies with each person and depends on which hormone therapy you require. Generally, you can expect to see benefits in a few weeks and full results within three to six months. It will take some time to allow your body to properly balance your hormones and build up depleted stores. It is worth the brief reorganization of hormones to feel well again.

Do I need to fast before I have my blood test?

We would suggest for you to fast for at least 3 hours prior to your Hormone Blood Test to get a reading as natural and true as possible to your body.

Do these blood test have to be done on certain days of my menstrual cycle?

Yes. Your hormone levels change throughout your cycle and have to be measured at specific times to diagnosis an imbalance. Our clinic suggests the Blood Test to be taken on the 19th-21st day of your menstrual cycle.

When will I get the results of the blood test?

Our Hormone Blood Test takes an average of 4-5 working days to arrive before our Doctor calls you for the report reading consultation.

Who can take the Hormone Blood Test?

Everyone is applicable to take the Hormone Blood Test. But we would suggest for people who undergoes the symptoms listed below for extra reassurance.



Symptoms of a hormonal imbalance specific to women include:

·         heavy or irregular periods, including missed periods, stopped period, or frequent period

·         hirsutism, or excessive hair on the face, chin, or other parts of the body

·         acne on the face, chest, or upper back

·         thinning hair or hair loss

·         weight gain or trouble losing weight

·         darkening of skin, especially along neck creases, in the groin, and underneath breasts

·         skin tags

·         vaginal dryness

·         vaginal atrophy

·         pain during sex

·         night sweats


Testosterone plays an important role in male development. If you aren’t producing enough testosterone, it can cause a variety of symptoms.

In the adult male, symptoms include:

·         development of breast tissue

·         breast tenderness

·         erectile dysfunction

·         loss of muscle mass

·         decreased sex drive

·         infertility

·         decrease in beard and body hair growth

·         osteoporosis, the loss of bone mass

·         difficulty concentrating

·         hot flashes


Puberty is the time when boys and girls start producing sex hormones. Many children with delayed puberty will go on to experience normal puberty, but some have a condition called hypogonadism. Symptoms of hypogonadism include:

In boys:

·         muscle mass doesn’t develop

·         voice doesn’t deepen

·         body hair grows sparsely

·         penis and testicular growth is impaired

·         excessive growth of the arms and legs in relation to the trunk of the body

·         gynecomastia, the development of breast tissue

In girls:

·         period doesn’t begin

·         breast tissue doesn’t develop

·         growth rate doesn’t increase

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Your body’s hormones control most of your basic bodily functions. They serve as an internal communication system between cells throughout the body. They coordinate everything from digestion and growth to your appetite, immune function, mood, and libido. So, when your hormones are out of balance, even slightly, it can have a big impact on your health and well-being.


Often, when people’s hormones drop or become unbalanced, they turn to hormone replacement therapies to ease symptoms. One such therapy, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), has gotten a lot of attention in recent years. It promises a “natural” solution to hormone issues. But what exactly is BHRT, and how’s it different from other hormone replacement therapies?


What is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) ?


BHRT can be used to treat men and women when their hormone levels drop or become unbalanced. Its most frequently used to ease symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. It may also be used to improve symptoms of cancer treatment or to treat conditions such as:

  • insulin resistance
  • adrenal and thyroid disorders
  • osteoporosis
  • fibromyalgia


Bioidentical hormones are manmade hormones derived from plant estrogens that are chemically identical to those the human body produces. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are among those most commonly replicated and used in treatment. Bioidentical hormones come in various forms, including oral medications and creams.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who needs Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?

Women suffering from early menopause symptoms looking to put an end to hot flashes, night sweats, memory loss, mood swings, weight gain, and low libido. The individualized programs for each woman suffering from early menopause symptoms, menopause, perimenopause and severe PMS will benefit.


Men experiencing andropause (the male menopause) who wants to get a grip on weight gain, lost libido, fatigue, stress, energy, muscle mass and body fat. For men, andropause happens gradually and when diagnosed, the symptoms can be successfully treated using bioidentical HRT.

What is the best age to consider Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Most people should have their hormones checked by the age of 40 or earlier if they are experiencing symptoms of menopause or andropause. The way to prevent illness and to optimize one’s health is to take an active role in addressing health care risks before they become a problem. Getting tested when you still feel good gives you a benchmark for later comparison as the inevitable hormone changes and decline begin.

Do I need to take these hormones forever?

Not necessarily, it depends on how well your body responds to bioidentical hormone therapy. If you commit to manage your diet, sleep patterns, exercise and stress levels, this will help you regain hormonal balance quicker and impact your bioidentical hormone therapy.


Many patients wean off various hormones as they become balanced and have fewer symptoms of menopause or andropause. Some patients even come off adrenal and thyroid support once their adrenals or thyroid glands have healed. There is no one size fits all answer as it depends on your individual hormone stability and how well your diet and lifestyle balance to support your body. In the worst-case scenario, if you decided to stop bioidentical hormone therapy, your body would return to the state it was in before initiating your program.

DNA Profiling

Welcome to the genetics era


DNA Profiling empowers individuals to take control of their life and preventive measures to keep their life and health in-check. DNA Profiling test in Radiant Clinique comprises of main aspects of Derma (skin), Nutrition and Fitness. Apart from DNA reports, DNA Profiling test too can also help to personalize skin serums and nutritional supplements that complement your body’s needs and deficiencies.



mySNP Derma

  • 10 traits on skin aging, sensitivity and pigmentation
  • Diet, lifestyle and skincare ingredient recommendations written by skincare experts to slow down aging and enhance skin health
  • Suitable for practitioners and specialists in aesthetics, beauty, anti-aging and wellness


mySNP Nutrition

  • 30 traits on nutrition deficiencies, weight management, diet suitability and food sensitivities
  • Diet and lifestyle recommendations written by qualified dieticians for optimized wellbeing
  • Suitable for nutritionists, wellness practitioners and weight management specialists


mySNP Fitness

  • 15 traits on athletic performance, muscle characteristics, injury risks and weight management
  • Diet, lifestyle and training recommendations written by sport scientist for maximum performance
  • Suitable for gyms, personal trainers and wellness coaches

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is this Genetic Test?

Samples run within the lab have demonstrated a 99.5% level of concordance. This high level of concordance gives us the confidence that we are processing your samples to the stringent and exacting quality standards required of a medical diagnostic laboratory.

How are the genes and SNPs selected?

The genes and SNPs are selected based on two criteria:

  • Significance of the statistic relationship strength between the genetic variations and the trait within the scientific literature.
  • Applicability to the Asian population.

Many of the SNPs we have chosen are more likely to occur in and impact Asian populations. Where we have given a higher weight to those in our knowledge base to ensure relevance.

Is it possible to get results that don’t seem to reflect my physical conditions?

Each trait has three influential factors, nature (genetics), nurture (upbringing) and current lifestyle (choice/behavior). If you are predisposed to exercise aversion, it means many people with the same genetic composition as yours found it to be more difficult to motivate themselves to exercise. Your family upbringing and personal choices can overcome your potential predispositions through a change in lifestyle. For example, if you are exercising despite being predisposed to high exercise aversion, you should be proud of your achievement compared to someone that does not have a predisposition to exercise aversion.

Radiant Clinique
Opening Hours

Mon – Sat 10.00 am to 7.00 pm
(Tue – 10.00 am to 4.30pm)
Sun – Closed