What is Photoaging?



The sun’s rays can take a toll on your skin. In the short-term, that can mean contending with a scorching sunburn. But, there can also be long-term consequences lurking within the skin, even if you don’t experience a burn. The sun prematurely ages the skin. Called Photoaging, this can lead to skin cancer.

Photoaging is “Premature skin aging” caused by over exposure to the sun’s rays. When skin ages prematurely, it develops signs of aging faster than one would expect. Research shows that up to 90% of all symptoms of premature skin aging are caused by UV exposure.


What is the difference between general skin aging and premature skin aging?

As skin ages, it changes:

  • The collagen and elastin responsible for the plumpness of youthful skin deplete skin starts to lose volume and sag and it will develop fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Skin is less able to attract and retain the moisture it needs and skin’s own production of natural moisturizing factors depletes. It becomes drier.
  • It can develop uneven pigmentation such as dark spots known as hyperpigmentation, a form of which solar lentigines (known as age spots or sun spots).


What are the signs of Photoaging?

Unlike normal, chronological aging, which is dictated by age and genetics, Photoaging happens when ultraviolet light from the sun or tanning beds permanently damages the skin’s structure. To see difference between chronological aging and Photoaging, compare skin on an area of your body that is not exposed to the sun with the skin on your face.

Signs of Photodamage begin in the teens to early twenties. Symptoms include the following:

  • Wrinkling
  • Pigmentation changes such as age spots, liver spots (Solar Lentigines):
  • Loss of skin tone (decreased elasticity)
  • Rough, uneven skin texture
  • Broken capillaries (Spider veins), usually around the nose and chest
  • Redness and blotchiness
  • With continued sun exposure over several years, wrinkles around the eyes and mouth increase in number and become deep creases, forehead frown lines set in and are visible when not frowning.


What causes Photoaging?

Ultraviolet radiation causes DNA changes in the skin that can lead to premature aging and skin cancer. There are two kinds of UV light:

  • UVA light – This form of solar radiation damages skin at all levels. From the surface layer (Epidermis) down deep into the dermis. Within those layers, several parts of the skin are affected, including collagen and elastin fibers, which give the skin its youthful tautness and elasticity, as well as epidermal cells and tiny blood vessels called capillaries.
  • UVB light – This type of solar radiation irradiates the outer layer of the skin. UVB damages DNA (more potently than UVA) in the epidermis and cause Photoaging, as well precancerous cell (Actinic Keratosis) to form.


How to prevent Photoaging?

It’s never too late to practice good sun protection to prevent future photodamage. Our doctor will recommend using a broad-spectrum sunscreen (according to your skin type), which will shield skin from both UVA and UVB rays. Look for a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. Water-resistant formulas are encouraged. Reapply every two hours or sooner if swimming or exercising.


When should you see our doctors about Photoaging?

  • If you sustained a lot of sun damage, including blistering sunburns in childhood. By meeting with specialist, they can evaluate the extent of your photodamage and look for signs of skin cancer earlier, when it’s most treatable.
  • If your sustained a lot of sun damage, including blistering sunburns in childhood.
  • If you are self-conscious about the appearance of your skin due to Photoaging, our doctors can examine your skin and recommend a treatment plan.
  • Our doctors also provide advice on sun protection so that you can avoid more sun damage.
  • Most important, if you see a new or changing “mole” or spot that is brown, black, red or white. It could be a sign of skin cancer. Another sign of skin cancer is if a spot on your skin is bleeding spontaneously or is painful. Sometimes it started as a cut that during shaving and it will keep bleeding. That is something you need to check out.



While photodamage cannot be removed completely, these are few treatments we can offer to help minimize it:

  • Lasers – The fractional resurfacing uses laser energy to rejuvenate skin and minimize the appearance of brown spots and fine lines, as well as improve texture and appearance of enlarged pores. Medlite laser treatment can remove broken blood vessel and redness caused by too much sun exposure. The true beauty of laser is that not only will make you look younger, but you can actually make your skin healthier and help treat precancerous changes.
  • Chemical peels – By applying a chemical substance such as glycolic acid to the skin, our doctors can remove brown spots and actinic keratosis and improve the tone and texture of photaged skin.
  • Topical medications – Certain medication such as a topical retinoid medication (like tretinoin) can be prescribed to even out your skin tone and address roughness and fine lines that result from photoaging.
  • Skin Care
  • Diamond Peel
  • Retinol Peel
  • Micro Peel Laser
  • Carbon Peel Laser
  • Shining laser peel
  • CO2 Laser
  • PRP

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